• 상품명 : OOV — ONE'S OWN VALUE
    • 상품간략설명 : Fashion is a good way to express myself. Just as we wear clothes every day, Jewelry is also a meaning to express myself. We all have different styles and different beauty in our subdivided tastes. We are living in a world where visual beauty is considered important, It is necessary to think about the value of beauty in what is seen and what is not. We all want to live a valuable life and become valuable people. What is it that gives value to itself? Because I'm '__' (I), I'm endowed with precious value in itself. My value is to decide for myself. OOV values himself. through jewelry Love me more, be more proud of me I would like to aim at making it possible to express. To make myself. If you find your own value together, Is there any better meaning than that?
    • 상품요약정보 : Read more here